Non-Filed Tax Returns
Every day, the IRS's advanced computer systems are becoming more sophisticated, making it only a matter of time before they catch up with non-filers.
This is a serious issue—failing to file your tax returns is a criminal offense that can lead to prosecution and potential jail time, up to one year for each unfiled year. Why risk your freedom by neglecting your tax obligations?
At JCB Financial Services, we can help you gain peace of mind by ensuring you comply with the law. By voluntarily filing your overdue tax returns, you can avoid additional complications beyond paying the accrued interest and penalties.
If you wait for the IRS to file your returns, they will do so in the government's favor, often excluding many deductions you're entitled to.
To resolve this situation, all your tax returns must be filed and up-to-date. It's likely that you'll owe taxes, interest, and penalties once everything is filed. However, once we determine the exact amount owed, we will develop a plan to alleviate your burden and help you move forward.
Let JCB Financial Services guide you through this process and help you achieve compliance with confidence.